Any BPO company would provide standard cost reductions and service

Job Seekers


To protect the interests of investors by enabling them to understand the risks involved and invest in a fair, transparent, secure market, and to get services in a timely and efficient manner.


  • To have streamlined procedures to ensure ease of transacting/ investing in securities market for investors.
  • To ensure that SEBI registered intermediaries / regulated entities adhere to their investor charters, including grievance redressal mechanism.
  • To enable investors to understand risks involved before investing.
  • To ensure fair and equitable treatment to investors.
  • To analyse the causes of investor grievances on a periodic basis and make appropriate policy amendments, if required.
  • To provide for alternative dispute resolution mechanism in agreements between investors and MIIs/ Intermediaries.
  • To encourage innovative and digital solutions in securities market.


  • Get fair and equitable treatment.
  • Expect redressal of investor grievances filed in SCORES in a time bound manner.
  • Get quality services from SEBI recognized Market Infrastructure Institutions and SEBI registered intermediaries / regulated entities/ Asset Management Companies.


  • Deal with SEBI recognised Market Infrastructure Institutions and SEBI registered intermediaries / regulated entities only.
  • Update their contact details like address, mobile number, email address, nomination, etc. and other key KYC details in case of any change.
  • Ensure that grievances are taken up with the concerned entities within time limits prescribed.
  • Ensure that their accounts are operated only for their own benefit.

Do’s for Investors:

  • Read and understand the documents carefully before investing.
  • Know about the Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
  • Know the risks involved before investing.
  • Keep track of account statements and promptly bring any discrepancy noticed to the concerned stock exchange, intermediary or Asset Management Company.
  • Know about various fees, charges, margins, premium, etc. involved in the transactions.
  • Preserve relevant transaction related documents.

DONT’s for Investors:

  • Don’t make payments in cash while making any investment in securities market, beyond the prescribed limit.